301 LEE LN HUNTLAND TN 37345-3033 USA Inquiry@iptmogov.org

Say Goodbye To Trademark Headaches

Let Us Take Care
Of The Legalities Through OurTrademark Statement
of Use Services

Introducing the game-changing Trademark Statement
of Use service from iptmogov - the ultimate solution to all your
trademark compliance woes!

Statement of Use

At Trademark Nova, we understand that protecting your brand's identity is essential for the success of your business. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of trademark services to meet all of your legal needs. From trademark registration to trademark monitoring, our team of experts is dedicated to helping you safeguard your brand's reputation and ensure its long-term viability. And with our easy-to-use online platform, managing your trademark portfolio has never been simpler. With our expert team of legal professionals at the helm, you can rest assured that your trademark will remain safe and secure for years to come. Say goodbye to the stress and hassle of navigating the complex world of trademark law, and let us handle everything for you. Our reliable and efficient service ensures that your trademark is always up-to-date and compliant with all legal requirements. So why wait? Trust in Trademark Nova's Statement of Use service and protect your brand's identity today!

Partnerships and LLPs

Who Should File a Statement of Use

Trademark applicants who originally filed an Intent to Use trademark application before they started using their mark in commerce are required to file a Statement of Use. This filing indicates that an applicant has begun using the applied-for trademark in commerce. This enables your respective IPO to register the trademark while you are focusing on strategizing your business.

The Notice Of Allowance

If you need to file a Statement of Use, the IPO will send you a Notice of Allowance (NOA). If you receive an NOA, it usually means that your trademark has passed nearly all the steps in the registration process and is almost ready to be registered. All that remains is proving that your mark is actually being used in commerce.

When to File a Statement of Use

A trademark statement of use is a legal document that must be filed with your respective IPO when a trademark applicant intends to use a particular mark in commerce. Generally, the statement of use must be filed within six months after the IPO issues a Notice of Allowance. This notice indicates that the applicant's trademark has been approved for registration, but the applicant must provide proof of use in commerce to complete the registration process. Therefore, it is important to file a trademark statement of use when the applicant has started using the mark in commerce or is about to start using it. Failing to file the statement of use in a timely manner can result in the cancellation of the trademark application or registration.

What Happens After You File a Statement of Use?

After filing a statement of use for a trademark, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) will review the submission to ensure that it complies with all relevant requirements. If the statement of use is accepted, the trademark will proceed to registration, and the applicant will receive a registration certificate. However, if the IPO finds any issues with the statement of use, it may issue an office action detailing the problems and requesting a response from the applicant. The applicant will then have a set amount of time to address the issues and respond to the office action. Once the statement of use is accepted and the trademark is registered, the owner of the trademark will have the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with the goods or services identified in the registration. The registration also serves as public notice of the owner's claim of ownership over the trademark, making it easier to enforce against infringing parties.

Benefits of Trademark Statement of Use Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Anybody introducing a new brand identity or planning on offering newly branded services or products should take the necessary steps to protect their trademark.

The answer to this question will differ from agency to agency and based on staffing changes and enhanced technologies at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If you’re asking us specifically, you can count on the entire application process to take from 08 to 12 months.

It can take up to 10 years. Also, the registration can easily be renewed so long as you have made sure to maintain an uninterrupted use of your trademark in interstate commerce.

If you have a federally registered trademark, you will be able to use the ® symbol. For every other mark, whether unregistered or registered, you will not be required to add a designation. However, we always advise mark owners to attach the ‘SM’ or ‘TM’ symbol to tell the industry that your company name, logo, or symbol is proprietary to your services or goods.

We always tell our clients that we aren’t ‘oddsmakers’. In other words, you get exactly what you pay for. Our teams are skilled in improving the likelihood of your success. They perform clearance to search for similar trademarks before sending out an application and picking a highly distinctive mark.

We Help Drive Your Innovations in The Fast Lane. Complete Your Trademark Registration in Just 3 Simple Steps.Submit Your Trademark Information Spend a couple of minutes filling out a simple questionnaire. This will initiate your registration process for your trademark.Select Your Service & Make the PaymentGet all the details in order! Select your coveted service with Trademark Nova & make the payment for your desired services.Thorough Evaluation & Trademark FilingTo ensure that your trademark is completely unique, our team conducts a thorough trademark search across numerous databases and then file your trademark with USPTO.

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301 LEE LN HUNTLAND TN 37345-3033 USA


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